Thursday, September 29, 2016


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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Add Marker to Google Map Google Maps Android API v2

To add marker to Google Map of Google Maps Android API v2:
 LatLng targetLatLng = new LatLng(lat, lon);
MarkerOptions markerOptions =
new MarkerOptions().position(targetLatLng).title(strTitle);

Modify from last example "Set map type for Google Maps Activity using Google Maps Android API v2" to add feature to add markers on Google Maps Activity.

Edit values/strings.xml to add string resource of "menu_addmarkers"
<string name="app_name">AndroidStudioMapApp</string>
<string name="title_activity_maps">Map</string>
<string name="menu_legalnotices">Legal Notices</string>
<string name="menu_about">About</string>
<string name="menu_addmarkers">Add Markers</string>

Edit menu/activity_main.xml, to add menu option of Add Markers:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android_title="Map Type...">
<menu >
<group android_id="@+id/groupmaptype"
<item android_id="@+id/maptypeNORMAL"
android_title="NORMAL" />
<item android_id="@+id/maptypeSATELLITE"
android_title="SATELLITE" />
<item android_id="@+id/maptypeTERRAIN"
android_title="TERRAIN" />
<item android_id="@+id/maptypeHYBRID"
android_title="HYBRID" />
<item android_id="@+id/maptypeNONE"
android_title="NONE" />




package com.blogspot.android_er.androidstudiomapapp;

import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.InputType;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.Toast;


public class MapsActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback {

private GoogleMap mMap;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Obtain the SupportMapFragment and get notified when the map is ready to be used.
SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()


* Manipulates the map once available.
* This callback is triggered when the map is ready to be used.
* This is where we can add markers or lines, add listeners or move the camera. In this case,
* we just add a marker near Sydney, Australia.
* If Google Play services is not installed on the device, the user will be prompted to install
* it inside the SupportMapFragment. This method will only be triggered once the user has
* installed Google Play services and returned to the app.
public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
mMap = googleMap;

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
String LicenseInfo = GoogleApiAvailability
AlertDialog.Builder LicenseDialog =
new AlertDialog.Builder(MapsActivity.this);
LicenseDialog.setTitle("Legal Notices");
return true;
AlertDialog.Builder aboutDialogBuilder =
new AlertDialog.Builder(MapsActivity.this);
aboutDialogBuilder.setTitle("About Me")

new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
String url = "";
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

AlertDialog aboutDialog = aboutDialogBuilder.create();;

return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

private void addMarker(){
if(mMap != null){

//create custom LinearLayout programmatically
LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(MapsActivity.this);
layout.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(

final EditText titleField = new EditText(MapsActivity.this);

final EditText latField = new EditText(MapsActivity.this);

final EditText lonField = new EditText(MapsActivity.this);


AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setTitle("Add Marker");
AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.create();

builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
boolean parsable = true;
Double lat = null, lon = null;

String strLat = latField.getText().toString();
String strLon = lonField.getText().toString();
String strTitle = titleField.getText().toString();

lat = Double.parseDouble(strLat);
}catch (NumberFormatException ex){
parsable = false;
"Latitude does not contain a parsable double",

lon = Double.parseDouble(strLon);
}catch (NumberFormatException ex){
parsable = false;
"Longitude does not contain a parsable double",

LatLng targetLatLng = new LatLng(lat, lon);
MarkerOptions markerOptions =
new MarkerOptions().position(targetLatLng).title(strTitle);
builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", null);;
Toast.makeText(MapsActivity.this, "Map not ready", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

download filesDownload the files (Android Studio Format) .

- initialize map in xml

~ Step-by-step of Android Google Maps Activity using Google Maps Android API v2, on Android Studio

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Haydenshapes helps surfers catch the perfect wave with Google Apps

Editors note: Today’s guest blogger is Hayden Cox, founder and owner of Haydenshapes Surfboards and creator of FutureFlex technology. The Haydenshapes team uses Google Apps for Work to stay in touch and get more done across oceans and time zones.

When I was 15 years old, I snapped my favourite board while surfing on Sydney’s northern beaches. I didn’t have the money to replace it, so I built one instead. I spent my next school vacation volunteering at a local factory, where I learned the basics of shaping and making surfboards. That’s how I first developed a passion for creating and design. After school and on weekends, I’d shape boards for friends and teachers, who eventually became repeat customers and recommended me to their friends. It occurred to me that I should formalise what I was doing, so I created a logo and started branding my boards. I also taught myself how to code my first website. That’s how Haydenshapes Surfboards got started.

Fast-forward 18 years, and Haydenshapes has come a long way. We have our own signature surfboard technology, FutureFlex, which I patented and designed. We sell surfboards in 70 countries around the world, from India and Israel to Sri Lanka and Sweden — even in places that I didn’t realise had surf. Our Hypto Krypto model is the best-selling surfboard worldwide and was named “Surfboard of the Year” at the 2014 and 2015 Australian Surf Industry Awards.

As we’ve grown, I’ve learned some fundamental realities of running a business. Mistakes are inevitable, so it’s crucial to keep your finger on the pulse 24/7. Also, it’s important to keep things simple so you can work smarter rather than harder. Google Apps for Work helps us do that. It provides the full framework we need to run our business and connect our teams and manufacturing centers in Sydney, Los Angeles and Thailand. It’s reliable, secure and easy to use — and it just works.

I’m constantly on the go, whether I’m racing off of a plane, jumping out from the surf, in the shaping bay, or between meetings. Being able to tap into our Google Apps system from my device means I’m always aware of what’s going on. I can share design files with Drive to our CNC machines, draft budgets with Google Sheets, and use Hangouts for meetings and video calls with my team and family.

Haydenshapes is known for being innovative and progressive. Our products and our process — how we do things from start to finish — reflect this. In my opinion, your success hinges on how you spend your time. The last thing we want to do is worry about servers failing or files getting backed up properly. Working with a seamless system like Google Apps means that I can focus on what really drives the business: designing and creating the best surfboards.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

HTC One M9 in all flavours! Gallery

If you didnt have a chance yet to see the official, high quality images of the newest HTC flagship - HTC One M9 heres the full gallery. Enjoy!

...and tell us, whats your favourite colour? :)

Do you have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) below this post!

For latest news follow Android Revolution HD on popular social platforms:

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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Mobile Andrio Full apk

Mobile Andrio Full Apk
Requirements: Android 1.6+

Mobile Andrio Full Overview: A jump & run game in the style of Super Mario, Giana Sisters and similar games.
A jump-and-run game in the style of Super Mario, Giana Sisters and similar games. It has 16 levels of increasing difficulty.
Highscores get uploaded to the social gaming network Scoreloop, and you can compare your highscore with those of players all around the world. Furthermore you can start challenge games against other players to determine the better player in a 1:1 situation.
The game can be controlled using keyboard (preferred), touchscreen, orientation sensor or trackball. Use Edit Settings to customize.
Full version, free of ads. Permissions required for Scoreloop features.
For more information, please check the apps website.

Whats in Mobile Andrio Full :
  • improved the placement of the on-screen controls
  • bug fixes
Mobile Andrio Full  screenshot:
Mobile Andrio Full 2.8.3 (Android) 
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Saturday, September 24, 2016

eBoostr 4 5 Full Cracked Alternate RAM for PC Download Direct!!

eBoostr 4.5 Full Cracked. Alternate RAM for PC Download Direct!!

eBoostr adalah salah satu software unik yang mampu mengubah media penyimpanan data luar seperti flashdisk dan memory card menjadi perangkat RAM. eBoostr tidak dapat menggunakan harddisk sebagai penyedia RAM, hanya 'removable disk' saja. Untuk melihat cara mengubah harddisk menjadi RAM, simak baik-baik artikel ini:
Ubah Flashdisk, HARD DISK/HARD DRIVE, Memory card jadi RAM Komputer
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Friday, September 23, 2016

The Total Economic Impact™ of Google Apps for Work

Editors note: Its easy to see how real-time collaboration eliminates frustration from your day or how mobile access from anywhere helps keep your projects moving forward even when youre on the go, but it takes a bit of number crunching to understand the impact across an entire company. To help make this easier, we commissioned Forrester Consulting to quantify the benefits a typical Google Apps for Work customer enjoys.

Companies across the globe face increasing pressure to stay competitive and meet their customers’ needs. Tools that allow teams to share ideas instantly, attend meetings remotely, collaborate from anywhere in real time and work on the go are helping companies innovate and engage customers in this new competitive landscape. These types of outcomes are possible only by “pure” cloud-based architectures that overcome the inefficiencies of legacy desktop- centric computing.

While it’s easy to understand how collaboration and mobility impact our day-to-day work, it’s more difficult for organizations to quantify these benefits in monetary terms.

So Google commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study examining the value that Google customers achieve by implementing Google Apps for Work. Forrester measured the total economic impact over three years for organizations moving from legacy on-premise infrastructure to Google’s web-based solution. To quantify the complete value of Google Apps for Work, including collaboration and productivity benefits, they interviewed six of our current customers. They then aggregated each piece of customer feedback to create a representative composite organization on which to base the development of a Total Economic Impact model.

The composite organization is a global B2B multinational services company with 10,000 employees using Google Apps for Work and $4 billion in annual revenue. The analysis they completed showed that this composite organization would realize millions in collaboration and mobility efficiencies in the course of three years.

Here are a few highlights from the report:

  • 304% return on investment (ROI)                                                                                                       Over three years, Google Apps for Work generated a risk-adjusted $17.1 million in benefits, outweighing the total costs of $4.2 million and resulting in a risk-adjusted ROI of 304%.

  • $8 million in collaboration efficiencies:                                                                                        Employees can streamline business processes by working together in real -time using Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, creating project collaboration spaces in Google Sites, and accessing and sharing files with Google Drive. These collaboration efficiencies save employees up to two hours per week — which, over three years, adds up to more than $8 million in savings.

  • $9 million in mobility benefits and legacy IT cost savings                                                            Google Apps for Work creates an environment where employees can work together, share ideas, innovate, evaluate decisions and improve business performance — all without having to be in a physical office. The ability to work from anywhere and join meetings remotely saves the composite organization more than $5 million in 3 years, while decommissioning legacy servers, software and phone systems saves another $4 million. And $9 million can go a long way.

Though these findings are the result of in-depth analysis, we strongly encourage any Google Apps customer to conduct their own impact analysis to see what specific benefits they experience from using Google Apps for Work. You can read the full study, “The Total Economic Impact of Google Apps for Work,” by visiting

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Know the news from Google Android

Google just announced:
  • New Nexus phone running Marshmallow: Nexus 6P and 5X
  • The first Android tablet built by Google, Pixel C, and the Chromebook Pixel
  • The new Chromecast and Chromecast Audio
  • Google Play Music and Google Photos

Google Press Event 9/29/15

Check Official Google Blog

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Cheat Lost Saga 2015 No Delay Kebal Max combo kill Brust Mafia Speed UP UN TOKEN ONE HIT Dugeon CSD

Cheat Lost Saga  2015 ( No Delay, Kebal, Max combo kill, Brust Mafia, Speed UP, UN TOKEN,ONE HIT Dugeon CSD )

Versi All Windows | Size : (963k)
LS Trial Ramadhan.rar
Download : 
No Password

Pilih Injector diatas ini Sesuka anda Jika Cheat Error Gunakan Injector yang lain.

Hotkey Simple Langsung aktif d3d menu

Hotkey Home END = Pilih cheat | Page down on | DELETE Off (bisa gunakan klik kiri mouse)
Author VIP all Windows Trial di Persembahkan oleh NugrohoTeam

Fitur :

Unl token
Max Combo bebas
Kebal Hack(syarat) -Kebal On kan ketika jatuh / charnya kena hit lalu jatuh seperi SS di atas
Fullhack dll bebas

Hotkey D3D arah panah atas bawah pilih cit (f12 = on | f11 = off)
Insert on off menu cheat 
Author VIP all Windows Trial di Persembahkan oleh KrisnaFxTeam

Support utama memang win 7 no dc , namun win XP juga work memang terkadang sesekali kalau di ON kan langsung exit /out DC ( itu hanya salah timing/ waktu onkan saja)... Windows XP on kan nya jangan di lobby... masuk room DM/deatchmatch dulu, main sebentar hit musuh dulu baru on kan..! coba buktikan now !!!

Fitur :
  • No Delay
  • Unl Hp
  • Kebal
  • Max combo kill
  • fullhack dll

Fiture SimpleCheat :

Anti Banned ID Lost Saga/ Char 100%
Cheat Simple Langsung Aktif
Simple 1 = Gb Auto Drop Mode Spesial Buat yang jasa GB Turunan Skill
Simple 3 = Unl Hp + Ghost Mode + No Passive Skill Mode

Fitur Cheat’s LostSaga Indonesia :

[*] No Delay (HOT++) -> Mengeluarkan Skill tanpa delay, alias 0 detik!!
[*] Fast Delay -> Mengeluarkan Skill delay 1-2 detik
[*] Cadet UP -> Pangkat Cadet bisa War/Ladder
[*] Peso CS -> Merubah tampilan Peso menjadi Jutaan
[*] Clover Max -> Mengirim Clover tanpa batas waktu
[*] No Drop -> Jatuh darah tidak berkurang
[*] Speed 2X -> Meningkatkan kecepatan Berjalan 1x – 2x
[*] Refill HP (HOT++) -> Mengisi Ulang darah/HP meski sudah kosong
[*] One Hand -> Pukulan 1 tangan terus menerus
[*] View Mode (HOT++) -> Menjadi Penonton di dalam game, meski sedang Bermain
[*] KEBAL (HOT++) -> Tidak bisa Mati / terkana hit
[*] Jump UP (HOT++) -> Loncat tinggi melebihi Normal /seperti Terbang
[*] Under UP (HOT++) -> Jalan di bawah Tanah
[*] Combo UP -> Membuat combo menjadi Max
[*] Brust Mafia (HOT++) -> Peluru keluar Ribuan!!
[*] Brust Cowboy -> Peluru keluar Ribuan!!
[*] Brust Infantry -> Peluru keluar Ribuan!!
[*] Brust Musketeer -> Peluru keluar Ribuan!!
[*] Brust T-Hunter -> Peluru keluar Ribuan!!
[*] Brust S-Trooper -> Peluru keluar Ribuan!!
[*] Brust Tarantula (HOT++) -> Peluru keluar Ribuan!!
[*] Boot Kill (HOT++) -> Bunuh/Mati Ribuan, cocok untuk Naikan / Turun Skill
[*] HG DONG -> HG DONG Skill
[*] Ammo UP -> Ammo meningkat
[*] Relic UP -> Relic meningkat
[*] CSD Hard -> CSD sulit
[*] SPEED UP -> Jalan menjadi Lari Super cepat
[*] FREE MOVE -> Keluar Pertandingan tanpa denda alias 0 Peso
[*] UN.TOKEN -> Unlimited Token untuk DG/CSD !!
[*] FREEZE DG/CSD -> Membekukan DG/CSD
[*] ONE HIT DG/CSD -> 1 Pukulan bunuh DG/CSD
[*] ALL FITURE OFF -> Jalan Pintas matikan fiture yang sedang On

Tutorial PerX
Download : Click here

Tutorial :
  1. Buka Cheat Lost Saga
  2. Tunggu Keluar Notice selesai - > Cheat Aktif
  3. Buka Lost Saga
  4. Star Lost Saga
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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

App avast! Mobile Security v1 0 1282

Persyaratan minimum: Android 2.1+

avast! Mobile Security berfungsi sebagai proteksi data pribadi sekaligus sebagai antivirus dan melindungi dari website yang berbahaya. Aplikasi ini juga bisa berfungsi sebagai firewall dari tangan hacker. Fungsi-fungsi yang ada misalnya: mengontrol fitur anti-pencurian melalui sms: menghapus memori, mengunci hanphone, mengaktifkan sirine dan GPS, memonitor suara dan masih banyak lagi. Fitur-fitur penting avast! Mobile Security selain disebutkan di atas antara lain:
  • Antivirus
  • Privacy Report
  • SMS/Call Filtering
  • App Manager
  • Firewall
  • avast! Anti-Theft
  • App Disguiser
  • Stealth Mode
  • Self-Protection
  • Battery Save
  • SIM-Card-Change Notification
  • Trusted SIM Cards List
  • Remote Settings Change
  • Remote Features

Download: filesonic | filepost (1.84 MB)

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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Lost Treasure v1 3 Apk For Android

The Lost Treasure v1.3
Explore a pirate’s cove, ancient temple, and structures of past tree dwelling inhabitants. Discover hidden passageways, clues and puzzles along the way!

Uncle Henry has been hunting lost treasures for as long as you can remember. His legendary stories of adventure excited your imagination as you were a child growing up. Now with your newly acquired archeology skills, he has been reaching out from time to time for your help in tracking down some of these difficult to find treasures.

In his latest quest, he has used the map you discovered in the lost ship and tracked down the location of the pirate’s cove. You must explore the island, find clues, and solve puzzles left behind by the pirates to discover the location of the lost treasure!

This captivating adventure game has:
- Custom designed beautiful HD graphics!
- Custom composed soundtrack and sound effects!
- A built-in hint system for when you get stumped
- A dynamic map to show the screens you have visited and current location
- A camera that takes photos of clues and symbols as you discover them
- Dozens of puzzles, clues, and items
- Auto saves your progress
- Available for phones and tablets!

Whats new:
Added immersive full-screen layout for Android

This app has no advertisements

Download APK:
click here
Download DATA:
click here
Google Play Store:
click here
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Stock system dumps for HTC One HTC One X

Last two days were very exciting for HTC community, especially for HTC One X users (Android 4.2.2 with HTC Sense 5.0 update described here). However, there is always one problem when it comes to HTC updates - no RUUs (ROM Update Utility) officially available do download for regular users (HTC One Developer Edition and Google Edition seems to be the only exceptions). Why RUU is that important to us?

These executable (.exe) files for MS Windows are installers of complete firmware, including for example system or data partitions. Not having latest RUU means:
  1. users using custom ROMs cant download latest OTA from HTC,
  2. developers have no system dumps they can work with.
Ad. 1) If you want to download and flash latest OTA, your device must have completely stock system partition and recovery. Every OTA update is checking MD5 of each file on system partition to ensure .apk patch can be applied. If even one of 1000 files wont match, OTA update installation will fail. In this case you need to flash the latest official update you can find (even one year old) and later download official OTA updates.

Ad. 2) There are few workarounds, however none of them is as good as having a RUU:
  • adb pull /system in custom recovery mode*
  • cp /system /data/media/dump in custom recovery mode*
  • nandroid backup
  • boot partition can be taken from inside inside OTA .zip package or it can be dumped using dd if=</path/to/boot/partition> of=/data/media/boot.img
* adb pull, cp or dd commands must be executed from custom recovery mode, otherwise system dump will be missing few important files or these files will have 0kb size. Also, keep in mind that adb features are heavily limited on stock un-rooted device. In case of dd command, root access (su) is needed to make such operation.

Thats why I created my own stock system dumps (as a custom recovery .zip packages) for both HTC One and HTC One X. I believe this can save a lot of time for many XDA users and developers.

HTC One thread - HTC One *STOCK* ROM | 2.24.401.8 | Jelly Bean | HTC Sense 5

HTC One X thread - HTC One X *STOCK* ROM | 4.18.401.2 | Jelly Bean | HTC Sense 5.0

Download links can be found on this blog, under Downloads section - Downloads

Have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) down this post!
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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mark the date Google Calendar for iPhone is here

Since the ancient Sumerian calendar that recorded a new month by the sighting of a new moon, calendars both physical and digital have helped us keep track of important moments. Today, were bringing the new Google Calendar app to the iPhone, so you can spend less time managing your day and more time getting stuff done.

The new Google Calendar app for iPhone comes with Assists, which make suggestions that save you time when creating events. For example, if you regularly meet with your teammate Rena for coffee and a catchup, Calendar can quickly suggest that entire event when you type ‘c-o-f-’. With Schedule View, a quick glance gives you a snapshot of how your day is shaping up with images and maps that make your calendar easy to scan.

To get started simply login with your Google account, and with one click, the new app works with all the other calendars you’ve already set up on your iPhone.
With Google Apps for Work, you can update your team about how that client meeting just went from Gmail, chat with your manager in Hangouts about specific questions the client had, add those questions to a Google document so the team can start researching back at the office, and now, schedule the follow-up meeting in Calendar, all from your iPhone.

And if you end up leaving your phone in the taxi on the way back to the office, Google Apps Mobile Management has you covered. Apps Mobile Management allows admins to set up mobile security policies, like requiring passwords and remotely wiping data when necessary. And it’s included with Google Apps and Google Drive for Work, so you can keep your work data safe.

10 minutes and counting until your next meeting . . . download the new Google Calendar app for iPhone before it starts.

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Building a scalable geofencing API on Google’s App Engine

Thorsten Schaeff has been studying Computer Science and Media at the Media University in Stuttgart and the Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Dublin. For the past six months he’s been interning with the Maps for Work Team in London, researching best practice architectures for working with big geo data in the cloud.

Google’s Cloud Platform offers a great set of tools for creating easily scalable applications in the cloud. In this post, I’ll explore some of the special challenges of working with geospatial data in a cloud environment, and how Google’s Cloud can help. I’ve found that there aren’t many options to do this, especially when dealing with complicated operations like geofencing with multiple complex polygons. You can find the complete code for my approach on GitHub.

Geofencing is the procedure of identifying if a location lies within a certain fence, e.g. neighborhood boundaries, school attendance zones or even the outline of a shop in a mall. It’s particularly useful in mobile applications that need to apply this extra context to someone’s exact location. This process isn’t actually as straight forward as you’d hope and, depending on the complexity of your fences, can include some intense calculations and if your app gets a lot of use, you need to make sure this doesn’t impact performance.

In order to simplify this problem this blogpost outlines the process of creating a scalable but affordable geofencing API on Google’s App Engine.

And the best part? It’s completely free to start playing around.
Geofencing a route through NYC against 342 different polygons that resulted from converting the NYC neighbourhood tabulation areas into single-part polygons.

Getting started

To kick things off you can work through the Java Backend API Tutorial. This uses Apache Maven to manage and build the project.

If you want to dive right in you can download the finished geofencing API from my GitHub account.

The Architecture

The requirements are:

  • Storing complex fences (represented as polygons) and some metadata like a name and a description. For this I use Cloud Datastore, a scalable, fully managed, schemaless database for storing non-relational data. You can even use this to store and serve GeoJSON to your frontend.
  • Indexing these polygons for fast querying in a spatial index. I use an STR-Tree (part of JTS) which I store as a Java Object in memcache for fast access.
  • Serving results to multiple platforms through HTTP requests. To achieve this I use Google Cloud Endpoints, a set of tools and libraries that allow you to generate APIs and client libraries.

That’s all you need to get started - so let’s start cooking!

Creating the Project

To set up the project simply use Apache Maven and follow the instructions here. This creates the correct folder structure, sets up the routing in the web.xml file for use with Google’s API Explorer and creates a Java file with a sample endpoint.

Adding additional Libraries

I’m using the Java Topology Suite to find out which polygon a certain latitude-longitude-pair is in. JTS is an open source library that offers a nice set of geometric functions.

To include this library into your build path you simply add the JTS Maven dependency to the pom.xml file in your project’s root directory.

In addition I’m using the GSON library to handle JSON within the Java backend. You can basically use any JSON library you want to. If you want to use GSON import this dependency.

Writing your Endpoints

Adding Fences to Cloud Datastore

For the sake of convenience you’re only storing the fences’ vertices and some metadata. To send and receive data through the endpoints you need an object model which you need to create in a little Java Bean called

Now you need to create an endpoint called add. This endpoint expects a string for the group name, a boolean indicating whether to rebuild the spatial index, and a JSON object representing the fence’s object model. From this App Engine creates a new fence and writes it to Cloud Datastore.

Retrieving a List of our Fences

For some use cases it makes sense to fetch all the fences at once in the beginning, therefore you want to have an endpoint to list all fences from a certain group.

Cloud Datastore uses internal indexes to speed up queries. If you deploy the API directly to App Engine you’re probably going to get an error message, saying that the Datastore query you’re using needs an index. The App Engine Development server can auto-generate the indexes, therefore I’d recommend testing all your endpoints on the development server before pushing it to App Engine.

Getting a Fence’s Metadata by its ID

When querying the fences you only return the ids of the fences in the result, therefore you need an endpoint to retrieve the metadata that corresponds to a fence’s id.

Building the Spatial Index

To speed up the geofencing queries you put the fences in an STR tree. The JTS library does most of the heavy lifting here, so you only need to fetch all your fences from the Datastore, create a polygon object for each one and add the polygon’s bounding box to the index.

You then build the index and write it to memcache for fast read access.

Testing a point

You want to have an endpoint to test any latitude-longitude-pair against all your fences. This is the actual geofencing part. That’s so you will be able to know, if the point falls into any of your fences and if so, it should return the ids of the fences the point is in.

For this you first need to retrieve the index from memcache. Then query the index with the bounding box of the point which returns a list of polygons. Since the index only tests against the bounding boxes of the polygons, you need to iterate through the list and test if the point actually lies within the polygon.

Querying for a Polylines or Polygons

The process of testing for a point can easily be adapted to test the fences against polylines and polygons. In the case of polylines you query the index with the polyline’s bounding box and then test if the polyline actually crosses the returned fences.

When testing for a polygon you want to get back all fences that are either completely or partly contained in the polygon. Therefore you test if the returned fences are within the polygon or are not disjoint. For some use cases you only want to return fences that are completely contained within the polygon. In that case you want to delete the not disjoint test in the if clause.

Testing & Deploying to App Engine

To test or deploy your API simply follow the steps in the ‘Using Apache Maven’ tutorial.

Scalability & Pricing

The beauty of this is, since it’s running on App Engine, Google’s platform as a service offering, it scales automatically and you only pay for what you use.

If you want to insure best performance and great scalability you should consider to switch from the free and shared memcache to a dedicated memcache for your application. This guarantees enough capacity for your spatial index and therefore ensures enough space even for a large amount of complex fences.

That’s it - that’s all you need to create a fast and scalable geofencing API.
Preview: Processing Big Spatial Data in the Cloud with Dataflow
In my next post I will show you how I geofenced more than 340 million NYC Taxi locations in the cloud using Google’s new Big Data tool called Cloud Dataflow.
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Smart Booster Pro Working v3 94 Apk Android

Smart Booster Pro v3.94 Apk
Smart RAM Booster: Small widget to adaptive boost RAM from anywhere
Fast cache cleaner: One click to clean cache
Quick SD card cleaner: Effectively scan and clean junk created by million apps
Advanced application manager: Optimize your devices by hibernate, disable, auto start apps

Key Features:-
  • 1 click to clean cache
  • Show detail internal cache and external cache
  • Select apps that used the most cache
  • Show SD card partition
  • Scan for junk folder, big files, orphaned files
  • Nice photo cleaner, music cleaner
  • Notify for low storage usage
  • Easily backup, uninstall unused apps
  • App2SD – Recommend app to move to SD card
  • Disable system apps
  • Scan auto start apps
  • Manage backup (.apk) files.

Download APK:
click here

Google Play Store:
click here
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Google Cast Remote Display Plugin for Unity

Posted by Leon Nicholls, Developer Programs Engineer

Today we launched the Google Cast Remote Display plugin for Unity to make it easy to take your Unity games to TVs. The Google Cast Remote Display APIs use the powerful GPUs, CPUs and sensors of your Android or iOS mobile device to render a local display on your mobile device and a remote display on your TV.

Unity is a very popular cross-platform game development platform that supports mobile devices. By combining the Google Cast Remote Display technology with the amazing rendering engine of Unity, you can now develop high-end gaming experiences that users can play on an inexpensive Chromecast and other Google Cast devices.

Games Using the Plugin

We have exciting gaming apps from our partners that already use the Remote Display plugin for Unity, with many more coming shortly.

Monopoly Here & Now is the latest twist on the classic Monopoly game. Travel the world visiting some of the world’s most iconic cities and landmarks and race to be the first player to fill your passport with stamps to win! Its a fun new way to play for the whole family.

Risk brings the original game of strategic conquest to the big screen. Challenge your friends, build your army, and conquer the world! The game includes the classic world map as well as two additional themed maps.

These games show that you can create games that look beautiful, using the power of a phone or tablet and send that amazing world to the TV.

Add the Remote Display Plugin to Your Game

You can download the Remote Display plugin for Unity from either GitHub or the Unity Asset Store. If you have an existing Unity game, simply import the Remote Display package and add the CastRemoteDisplayManager prefab to your scene. Next, set up cameras for the local and remote displays and configure them with the CastRemoteDisplayManager.

To display a Cast button in the UI so the user can select a Google Cast device, add the CastDefaultUI prefab to your scene.

Now you are ready to build and run the app. Once you connect to a Cast device you will see the remote camera view on the TV.

You have to consider how you will adapt your game interactions to support a multi-screen user experience. You can use the mobile device sensors to create abstract controls which interact with actions on the screen via motion or touch. Or you can create virtual controls where the player touches something on the device to control something else on the screen.

For visual design it is important not to fatigue the player by making them constantly look up and down. The Google Cast UX team has developed the Google Cast Games UX Guidelines to explain how to make the user experience of cast-enabled games consistent and predictable.

Developer Resources

Learn more about Googles official Unity plugins here. To see a more detailed description on how to use the Remote Display plugin for Unity, read our developer documentation and try our codelab. We have also published a sample Unity game on the Unity Asset Store and GitHub that is UX compliant. Join our G+ community to share your Google Cast developer experience.

With over 20 million Chromecast devices sold, the opportunity for developers is huge, and it’s simple to add Remote Display to an existing Unity game. Now you can take your game to the biggest screen in millions of user’s homes.

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Tell us about your experience building on Google and raise money for educational organizations!

Here at Google, we always put the user first, and for the Developer Platform team, our developers are our users. We want to create the best development platform and provide the support you need to build world-changing apps, but we need to hear from you, our users, on a regular basis so we can see what’s working and what needs to change.

Thats why were launching our developer survey -- we want to hear about how you are using our APIs and platforms, and what your experience is using our developer products and services. Well use your responses to identify how we can support you better in your development efforts.
Photo Credit: Google I/O 2014

The survey should only take 10 to 15 minutes of your time, and in addition to helping us improve our products, you can also help raise money to educate children around the globe. For every developer who completes the survey, we will donate $10 USD (up to a maximum amount of $20,000USD total) to your choice of one of these six education-focused organizations: Khan Academy, World Fund, Donors Choose, Girl Rising, Raspberry Pi, and Agastya.

The survey is live now and will be live until 11:59PM Pacific Time on October 15, 2014. We are excited to hear what you have to tell us!

Posted by Neel Kshetramade, Program Manager, Developer Platform
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