Wednesday, March 5, 2014

HP may be working on a Windows Phone

Last month, we heard that HP might planning a comeback to the mobile space with a Windows tablet that visited the FCC, but the plans may not stop there. A new rumor says that HP may be looking at getting into the extremely competitive smartphone market with a Windows Phone device. There had been scattered rumors about HP and Android, but those have faded over the recent months.

There is almost no information to be had on HPs plans though. So far, all that we know is that there are some nebulous "trusted source" who says that HP has been working on a smartphone for a while now and that it is expected to be running Windows Phone 8. Beyond that, we can speculate and hope, but there is no concrete evidence about what is in the works. HP would be jumping in at an interesting time as Windows Phone GDR3 is on the horizon which will bring support for quad-core devices, 1080p displays, and a wider array of screen sizes.

Of course, HP has had an up-and-down experience with the mobile space in the past. HP did well way back in the days of Windows Mobile, but fell off when it purchased webOS from Palm, and has been in limbo since. We cant say we have a lot of faith in the company at this point, but were certainly interested to see what it can offer.

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