Thursday, May 26, 2016

Get your Google Drive App listed on the Google Apps Marketplace

The Google Apps Marketplace brings together hundreds of third-party applications that integrate and enhance Google Drive, part of Google Apps for Work, our suite of collaboration and productivity tools for businesses. To improve discoverability and increase adoption, it’s important to make your Google Drive app integration available on the marketplace.

Today, we want to share with you four easy steps to get listed immediately and enable admins to install your application for all users in their domain. For more details, check out the Google Apps Marketplace documentation.

Step 1: Open your Drive project on Google Cloud console. Turn on “Google Apps Marketplace SDK” for your project. Screen Shot 2014-08-20 at 11.50.10 PM.png

Step 2: Click the gear icon to configure “Google Apps Marketplace SDK”. Refer to Google Apps Marketplace documentation for details. In the scopes section, be sure to request the same scopes as your Google Drive application, and check the “Enable Drive extension” checkbox.

Step 3: Go to the Chrome Web Store developer console and select your published Drive application.

Step 4: Update the following line in your Drive application’s Chrome Web Store manifest, upload and publish.


You’re done! You application is now available to all Google Apps for Work customers to install on a domain-wide basis through the Google Apps Marketplace. Refer to Publishing your app documentation for details. You can access Google Apps Marketplace inside Google Admin Console and verify your newly listed application.

Please subscribe to the Google Apps Marketplace G+ community for the latest updates.
Posted by Hiranmoy Saha, Software Engine, Google Apps Marketplace

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