Monday, February 29, 2016

White Actor Joseph Fiennes Is Playing Michael Jackson in A New Movie Joseph Fiennes - Joseph Fiennes is going to play Michael Jackson in new project. The white actor has been cast as the legendary African American singer in a TV movie. Keleigh White actor Joseph Fiennes is cast to play Michael Jackson Joseph Fiennes, white actor roles "Shakespeare Love," "Elizabeth," cast play Michael Jackson upcoming film White Actor Joseph Fiennes Is Playing Michael Jackson in A New MovieWhite Actor Joseph Fiennes Is Playing Michael Jackson in A New Movie - Joseph Fiennes Checkout other video here.
    Now #OscarsSoWhite dying, white folks managed piss people tragic casting choice portray King Pop
  • White Actor, Joseph Fiennes Cast As Michael Jackson In
    White Actor Cast As Michael Jackson In Upcoming Film British actor, Joseph Fiennes cast Michael Jackson forthcoming TV movie involving
  • White actor Joseph Fiennes is playing Michael Jackson in a
    Joseph Fiennes play Michael Jackson project. The white actor cast legendary African American singer TV movie

Watch White Actor Joseph Fiennes Is Playing Michael Jackson in A New Movie

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Friday, February 26, 2016

Custom InfoWindow for Google Maps Android API v2

To create Custom InfoWindow for Google Maps Android API v2:

- Make your Activity implements GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter.

- Override getInfoWindow(Marker marker) and getInfoContents(Marker marker).

The API will first call getInfoWindow(Marker) and if null is returned, it will then call getInfoContents(Marker). If this also returns null, then the default info window will be used.

The first of these (getInfoWindow()) allows you to provide a view that will be used for the entire info window. The second of these (getInfoContents()) allows you to just customize the contents of the window but still keep the default info window frame and background.

- setInfoWindowAdapter(this).

Modify from last example "Make GoogleMaps marker draggabe and detect moving marker".
package com.blogspot.android_er.androidstudiomapapp;

import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.InputType;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuItem;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;


public class MapsActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnMapReadyCallback,
GoogleMap.OnMapClickListener, GoogleMap.OnMapLongClickListener,
GoogleMap.OnMarkerDragListener, GoogleMap.InfoWindowAdapter {

private GoogleMap mMap;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Obtain the SupportMapFragment and get notified when the map is ready to be used.
SupportMapFragment mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) getSupportFragmentManager()


* Manipulates the map once available.
* This callback is triggered when the map is ready to be used.
* This is where we can add markers or lines, add listeners or move the camera. In this case,
* we just add a marker near Sydney, Australia.
* If Google Play services is not installed on the device, the user will be prompted to install
* it inside the SupportMapFragment. This method will only be triggered once the user has
* installed Google Play services and returned to the app.
public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
mMap = googleMap;

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch (item.getItemId()) {
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
if(mMap != null){
return true;
String LicenseInfo = GoogleApiAvailability
AlertDialog.Builder LicenseDialog =
new AlertDialog.Builder(MapsActivity.this);
LicenseDialog.setTitle("Legal Notices");
return true;
AlertDialog.Builder aboutDialogBuilder =
new AlertDialog.Builder(MapsActivity.this);
aboutDialogBuilder.setTitle("About Me")

new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
String url = "";
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);

new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

AlertDialog aboutDialog = aboutDialogBuilder.create();;

return true;
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

private void addMarker(){
if(mMap != null){

//create custom LinearLayout programmatically
LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(MapsActivity.this);
layout.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(

final EditText titleField = new EditText(MapsActivity.this);

final EditText latField = new EditText(MapsActivity.this);

final EditText lonField = new EditText(MapsActivity.this);


AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setTitle("Add Marker");
AlertDialog alertDialog = builder.create();

builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
boolean parsable = true;
Double lat = null, lon = null;

String strLat = latField.getText().toString();
String strLon = lonField.getText().toString();
String strTitle = titleField.getText().toString();

lat = Double.parseDouble(strLat);
}catch (NumberFormatException ex){
parsable = false;
"Latitude does not contain a parsable double",

lon = Double.parseDouble(strLon);
}catch (NumberFormatException ex){
parsable = false;
"Longitude does not contain a parsable double",


LatLng targetLatLng = new LatLng(lat, lon);
MarkerOptions markerOptions =
new MarkerOptions().position(targetLatLng).title(strTitle);



builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", null);;
Toast.makeText(MapsActivity.this, "Map not ready", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

public void onMapClick(LatLng latLng) {
"onMapClick: " + latLng.latitude + " : " + latLng.longitude,

public void onMapLongClick(LatLng latLng) {
"onMapLongClick: " + latLng.latitude + " : " + latLng.longitude,

//Add marker on LongClick position
MarkerOptions markerOptions =
new MarkerOptions().position(latLng).title(latLng.toString());


public void onMarkerDragStart(Marker marker) {

public void onMarkerDrag(Marker marker) {

public void onMarkerDragEnd(Marker marker) {

public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
return null;
//return prepareInfoView(marker);

public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
//return null;
return prepareInfoView(marker);


private View prepareInfoView(Marker marker){
//prepare InfoView programmatically
LinearLayout infoView = new LinearLayout(MapsActivity.this);
LinearLayout.LayoutParams infoViewParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);

ImageView infoImageView = new ImageView(MapsActivity.this);
//Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawable(R.mipmap.ic_launcher);
Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_map);

LinearLayout subInfoView = new LinearLayout(MapsActivity.this);
LinearLayout.LayoutParams subInfoViewParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(
LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);

TextView subInfoLat = new TextView(MapsActivity.this);
subInfoLat.setText("Lat: " + marker.getPosition().latitude);
TextView subInfoLnt = new TextView(MapsActivity.this);
subInfoLnt.setText("Lnt: " + marker.getPosition().longitude);

return infoView;



- Detect user click on InfoWindow, by implementing GoogleMap.OnInfoWindowClickListener()

~ Step-by-step of Android Google Maps Activity using Google Maps Android API v2, on Android Studio

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HTC Desire 600 dual SIM device review

The HTC Desire was HTCs well known flagship in 2010, since then their flagship brand was replaced by the One series, however due to its successful history the Desire name is still being used for the mid to low end range releases. If you want the short version of this review: The best thing about the Desire 600 is the build quality, its a mid-range premium phone.

A Mid-Range Premium

Shortly after the release of the One, HTC announced the Desire 600 dual sim with many of its big brothers features - mainly HTC Sense 5, Blinkfeed and Boomsound. It also includes Video Highlights, but omits the Infra Red blaster and Ultrapixel sensor (2.0µm). Instead, its replaced with a standard 8MP BSI camera sensor (1.4µm) and the first version of the HTC ImageChip - this also means that the Zoe features are lost in the process. It joins the fleet of other HTC dual sim specialists like last years Desire SV and One dual sim (limited to specific markets).

Design & build quality

Being mid-range doesnt prevent it from carrying HTCs renowned build quality and in fact the device has some impressive highlights: the screen is protected by a robust metallic frame which also houses the dual speaker grilles, this in turn is surrounded by a plastic bezel with a very convincing brushed metallic finish.

The black version is full black contrasted with a glossy speaker frame, matte brushed bezel and a back cover with a matte grained finish which does a very good job of resisting fingerprints. Unfortunately the backs finish feels slightly irritating to the touch and fails to provide maximum grip.

The white version on other hand has a more daring and different finish, it has the speakers frame coated in red, the brushed bezel painted in silver and smooth glossy white plastic for the back cover. 

The plastic back cover is removable: its pretty solid but as is typical with such removable covers, it can creak under pressureBeneath the cover cover lie two microSIM slots and a microSD slot as well as a replaceable 1860mAh battery - like everything HTC the interior has surprisingly fine fit and polish.

The camera lens and LED flash are covered by a protective glass bevelled inwards which should prevent it from collecting scratches

The buttons have a nice, solid feel as well. The power button is at top right; volume rocker on the right hand side; and the capacitive buttons are similar to the One, with back on the left, home on the right and the HTC logo in between. The rest is taken care of with gestures. Finally a 3.5mm audio jack is located at top left, and the micro-USB port is on the bottom.

All in all this is a very well built device with a sharp look (especially the black version). The slim tapered edge is reminiscent of the black HTC 8x and compared to competitors mid-range devices, the Desire 600 build quality and design are miles ahead.

Boomsound versus Boomsound

The Desires 600 sports the HTC Ones star feature, dual frontal stereo speakers with built-in amplifiers. This is "only" a mid range phone so you might expect less quality, compared with its big brother: but far from it! Compared to the One flagship its just a notch lower in loudness and noticeabley less bass. Curiously while the One sounds significantly better with beats audio, the Desire 600 actually sounds better once the default beats enhancements are disabled: leaving it enabled seems to result in a more hollow sound. With this said, the quality is still excellent for its range, beating flagship devices from opposing brands.

If you would like to know more about the HTC Ones phenomenal sound quality be sure to check our post: HTC One review - part 2: Hardware

Display, 4.5" Super LCD2 at 245ppi

The screen is another quality seeker on the Desire 600: despite a qHD resolution (960x540), its running on a 4.5" panel which results in a respectable 245ppi pixel density. The display still inherits all the other Super LCD2 merits from last years flagship the One X (720p, 312ppi) which  was lauded for its screen quality. Thanks to optical lamination it has excellent view angles and deeper blacks; there is no gap between the glass and LCD itself which makes the screen appear afloat. While not as sharp, colorful or contrasted as the One X, the screen is still significantly better than the Pentile Amoled qHD screen on last years premium One S.

Camera, 8MP with last years killer features

Instead of the ultrapixel (a low-light loving sensor with 2.0µm pixel size), the Desire 600 uses a standard wide angle 8MP BSI sensor with 1.4µm pixel size, but keeps the same f2.0 aperture and 28mm unique wide angle lens as the flagship. It also includes the older HTC ImageChip from last years flagships which gives us powers like HDR, burst shooting and VideoPic (take still shots during video capture) as well as super fast shutter/focus, slow motion video and flash metering: however it loses all the fancy Zoe features, which are enabled by a newer ImageChip 2 on the HTC One. Video recording maxes out at 720p; most likely due to the lesser capabilities of the Snapdragon 200 SOC.

Daylight pictures are of good quality but slightly hurt by HTCs default aggressive digital sharpness: thankfully you can always reduce sharpness using the Image Adjustments menu in the camera app. In terms of low light its perfectly usable when scaled down, especially indoor shots but 1:1 detail gets seriously degraded due to the smaller pixel size. Unfortunately HDR; which was flawless on last years HTC One X; fails to do a good daylight job here (curiously its the same issue as on the HTC One). On the other hand there is a great "HDR low light" feature in Sense 5: when used alongside the LED flash, the camera snaps two shots - one with flash and another without for mixed exposure, it gives far superior results to the washed out colors of standard LED flash photography. 

HTC Sense 5 in duality 

The tested device was preloaded with 1.17.707.3 firmware (Android 4.1.2) & HTC Sense 5.0. This is the same well praised UI from the full fledged HTC One; it is a known quantity by now so lets focus on the advertised features of the Desire 600, BlinkFeed, Video Highlights and dual SIM convenience.

Blinkfeed is HTCs version of Flipboard, it compiles news and posts from various sources (including your social media) in a nice scrolling layout embedded as the main home screen. You cant disable Blinkfeed - but you can set another home screen as your main one, and Blinkfeed will get moved to the right: you can also disable it further by removing newsfeed sources. 

Video Highlights is a feature which automatically compiles a video reel from your photos and videos in your phones gallery. This works based on an events time and location (you need to select your gallery content to be sorted by events). You can choose different preset themes for different effects and music. This is all done in real time and it works surprisingly well considering the modest Snapdragon 200 SoC in this phone. If you like the end results you can then save it as an H264 MP4 video to keep or share.

The two Sense 5 features which are missing compared to the HTC One are Sense TV and HTC Zoe, which rely on the Ones hardware (IR blaster and ImageChip2).

The way the dual-SIM functionality works is interesting; Sense 5 was revised with this in mind. For example, you can choose Slot 1 or Slot 2 straight from the dialler - and an improvement over the Desire SV is that you can now receive notifications about two calls at the same time... you can even answer both calls and the first one will be placed on Hold. Throughout the UI there are other optimisations to help you use both numbers without mix-ups.

One thing to keep in mind about a device in this range: while it will surely receive maintenance updates from HTC, unlike the high end phones dont expect a long term commitment regarding Android (or maybe even Sense) updates.

In terms of connectivity, only one of the two microSIM slots supports 3G/3.5G (HSPA) - the other only supports 2G/2.5G (Edge). The Desire 600 also includes GPS/GLONASS, NFC and Bluetooth 4.0 with APTX support.

Performance, a slow quad core 

Here we arrive at my main niggle with this device: while it is mid-range its still not an entry level device - and priced at around 400$ we should expect a decent performer. Unfortunately this 1.2ghz Snapdragon 200 SoC variety includes quad A5 cores and an Adreno 203 GPU along with a 1GB of DDR2 RAM. The quad will certainly assist in multitasking preventing long waits or hangs (which means it does well in certain benchmarks) but in terms of raw processing power the A5 is merely adequate and the entry level GPU is overstretched by the qHD resolution. This is why the Desire 600s UI is nowhere near as snappy or smooth as the HTC One Mini. Youll find that you can improve the smoothness of the UI by enabling "Force GPU" and "Disable HW overlays" from the hidden developers options. 

For those interested here are some benchmarks and system details:

Gaming, an entry level GPU

Given the affordable price, excellent stereo speakers with built-in amplifiers and a good quality screen, you can enjoy casual gaming on this device and lighter games. Temple Run 2 ran extremely smoothly in medium graphics mode (laggy if raised to high): but heavier 3D games like Fast & Furious 6 had most graphics intact, yet with a very poor frame rate. Ripetide GP2 ran with most fancy graphics enabled but at a poor (unplayable) frame rate: however reducing the game resolution or graphics effects from the in-game settings did improve things. 

In order to assess the GPU lets check the following GFXBench comparative, this is run onscreen since it reflects actual 3D gaming at the devices native screen resolution:

HTC One, T-Rex HD 15fps, Egypt HD 40fps (onscreen FHD - Adreno 320)
HTC One S, T-Rex HD 11.3fps, Egypt HD 28.4fps (onscreen qHD - Adreno 225)
HTC One Mini, T-Rex HD 9.3fps, Egypt HD 24.2fps (onscreen HD - Adreno 305)
HTC Sensation XE, T-Rex HD 5.9fps, Egypt HD 16.3fps (onscreen qHD - Adreno 220)
HTC One X, T-Rex HD 5.5fps, Egypt HD 15fps (onscreen HD - Tegra 3)
HTC Desire 500, T-Rex HD 4.7fps, Egypt HD 11.9fps (onscreen WVGA - Adreno 203)
HTC Desire 600, T-Rex HD 4.0fps, Egypt HD 10fps (onscreen qHD - Adreno 203)
HTC Sensation XL, T-Rex HD 3.1fps, Egypt HD fail (onscreen WVGA - Adreno 205)
HTC Explorer, T-Rex HD 0.9fps, Egypt HD 3.5fps (onscreen HVGA - Adreno 200)

You can clearly see the Desire 600 is around the bottom of the list: its modest GPU is over stretched by the qHD resolution. Adreno 203 seems to have been updated over the old Adreno 205, it fares better on the WVGA Desire 500, but its nowhere near as fast as the Adreno 305 on the HTC One Mini or Galaxy S4 Mini/Duos - and the HTC Ones graphics power seems like a distant dream.

Battery life

The included 1860mAh battery sounds good on paper but in practice with dual SIMs and data connections fully engaged you will be lucky if it lasts you the full day. Of course your mileage will vary but connectivity is the biggest drainer here - use with care.


The most impressive aspects of the HTC Desire 600 are design; build quality; sound and screen quality. There is no doubt HTC can design and build phones better than most - even if mid-range, even if plastic. Couple that with an impressive list of features thanks to HTC Sense 5, plus some unique hardware, and you have a really nice, slimmed down, affordable HTC One experience with an added dual SIM functionality: a "reason to buy" for many.

I can not but wish it had the Snapdragon 400 with dual Krait cores and Adreno 305 instead of the average SoC its carrying, quad core or otherwise, it would have been a killer mid-ranger. Surely this must be the reason why HTC just announced the Desire 601 with Snapdragon 400 (and there are rumors of a dual sim variety).

Alternatively if you are around this budget and dual sims are not required, you can simply buy last years flagship the HTC One X (or One X+) and update it to Sense 5: you would have an acclaimed smartphone with a vastly superior speed, screen and camera.

Hardware Summary:

+ Excellent build quality and design for the price
+ Excellent stereo speakers with built-in amplifiers
+ Good quality screen with excellent view angles
+ Dual SIM convenience with good UI integration
+ Impressive automatically generated Video Highlights in the gallery
+ Speedy camera thanks to HTC ImageChip

- Low End Snapdragon 200 SOC despite a quad core CPU
- Struggling Adreno 203 GPU for qHD resolution, limited gaming
- Slippery back cover

Have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use the media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) below this post!

Official HTC Desire 600 dual sim Specifications:

SIZE: 134.8 x 67 x 9.26mm
WEIGHT: 130g
DISPLAY: 4.5" qHD Super LCD2

  • Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 200, quad-core, 1.2GHz
  • Android™ with HTC Sense™
  • HTC BlinkFeed™
  • Total storage:  8GB, (available capacity varies)
  • Expansion card slot supports microSD™ for up to 64GB additional storage (card not included)
  • RAM: 1GB DDR2
  • 2G/ 2.5G - GSM/GPRS/EDGE: 900/1800/1900 MHz
  • 3G/ 3.5G - UMTS/ HSPA: 900/2100 MHz with HSDPA up to 7.2 Mbps
  • Dual SIM (microSIM) with ‘dual active’ support
  • Accelerometer
  • Proximity sensor
  • Ambient light sensor
  • 3.5 mm stereo audio jack
  • NFC capable
  • Bluetooth® 4.0 with aptX™ enabled
  • Wi-Fi®: IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
  • DLNA® for wirelessly streaming media from the phone to a compatible TV or computer
  • HTC Connect
  • HTC BoomSound™
  • Dual frontal stereo speakers with built-in amplifiers
  • Studio-quality sound with Beats Audio™
  • 8 MP camera with auto focus, LED flash
  • BSI sensor, Sensor size 1/3.2"
  • Dedicated HTC ImageChip
  • Read More..

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Surfacing content from iOS apps in Google Search

Posted by Eli Wald, Product Manager

We’ve been helping users discover relevant content from Android apps in Google search results for a while now. Starting today, we’re bringing App Indexing to iOS apps as well. This means users on both Android and iOS will be able to open mobile app content straight from Google Search.

Indexed links from an initial group of apps we’ve been working with will begin appearing on iOS in search results both in the Google App and Chrome for signed-in users globally in the coming weeks:

How to get your iOS app indexed

While App Indexing for iOS is launching with a small group of test partners initially, we’re working to make this technology available to more app developers as soon as possible. In the meantime, here are the steps to get a head start on App Indexing for iOS:

  1. Add deep linking support to your iOS app.
  2. Make sure it’s possible to return to Search results with one click.
  3. Provide deep link annotations on your site.
  4. Let us know you’re interested. Keep in mind that expressing interest does not automatically guarantee getting app deep links in iOS search results.

If you happen to be attending Google I/O this week, stop by our talk titled “Get your app in the Google index” to learn more about App Indexing. You’ll also find detailed documentation on App Indexing for iOS at If you’ve got more questions, drop by our Webmaster help forum.

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Monday, February 22, 2016

Works with Google Cardboard creativity plus compatibility

Posted by Andrew Nartker, Product Manager, Google Cardboard

All of us is greater than any single one of us. That’s why we open sourced the Cardboard viewer design on day one. And why we’ve been working on virtual reality (VR) tools for manufacturers and developers ever since. We want to make VR better together, and the community continues to inspire us.

For example: what began with cardboard, velcro and some lenses has become a part of toy fairs and art shows and film festivals all over the world. There are also hundreds of Cardboard apps on Google Play, including test drives, roller coaster rides, and mountain climbs. And people keep finding new ways to bring VR into their daily lives—from campus tours to marriage proposals to vacation planning.

It’s what we dreamed about when we folded our first piece of cardboard, and combined it with a smartphone: a VR experience for everyone! And less than a year later, there’s a tremendous diversity of VR viewers and apps to choose from. To keep this creativity going, however, we also need to invest in compatibility. That’s why we’re announcing a new program called Works with Google Cardboard.

At its core, the program enables any Cardboard viewer to work well with any Cardboard app. And the result is more awesome VR for all of us.

For makers: compatibility tools, and a certification badge

These days you can find Cardboard viewers made from all sorts of materials—plastic, wood, metal, even pizza boxes. The challenge is that each viewer may have slightly different optics and dimensions, and apps actually need this info to deliver a great experience. That’s why, as part of today’s program, we’re releasing a new tool that configures any viewer for every Cardboard app, automatically.

As a manufacturer, all you need to do is define your viewer’s key parameters (like focal length, input type, and inter-lens distance), and you’ll get a QR code to place on your device. Once a user scans this code using the Google Cardboard app, all their other Cardboard VR experiences will be optimized for your viewer. And that’s it.

Starting today, manufacturers can also apply for a program certification badge. This way potential users will know, at a glance, that a VR viewer works great with Cardboard apps and games. Visit the Cardboard website to get started.

The GoggleTech C1-Glass viewer works with Google Cardboard

For developers: design guidelines and SDK updates

Whether you’re building your first VR app, or you’ve done it ten times before, creating an immersive experience comes with a unique set of design questions like, “How should I orient users at startup?” Or “How do menus even work in VR?”

We’ve explored these questions (and many more) since launch, and today we’re sharing our initial learnings with the developer community. Our new design guidelines focus on overall usability, as well as common VR pitfalls, so take a look and let us know your thoughts.

Of course, we want to make it easier to design and build great apps. So today were also updating the Cardboard SDKs for Android and Unity—including improved head tracking and drift correction. In addition, both SDKs support the Works with Google Cardboard program, so all your apps will play nice with all certified VR viewers.

For users: apps + viewers = choices

The number of Cardboard apps has quickly grown from dozens to hundreds, so we’re expanding our Google Play collection to help you find high-quality apps even faster. New categories include Music and Video, Games, and Experiences. Whether you’re blasting asteroids, or reliving the Saturday Night Live 40th Anniversary Special, there’s plenty to explore on Google Play.

New collections of Cardboard apps on Google Play

Today’s Works with Google Cardboard announcement means you’ll get the same great VR experience across a wide selection of Cardboard viewers. Find the viewer that fits you best, and then fire up your favorite apps.

For the future: Thrive Audio and Tilt Brush are joining the Google family

Most of today’s VR experiences focus on what you see, but what you hear is just as important. That’s why we’re excited to welcome the Thrive Audio team from the School of Engineering in Trinity College Dublin to Google. With their ambisonic surround sound technology, we can start bringing immersive audio to VR.

In addition, we’re thrilled to have the Tilt Brush team join our family. With its innovative approach to 3D painting, Tilt Brush won last year’s Proto Award for Best Graphical User Interface. We’re looking forward to having them at Google, and building great apps together.

Ultimately, today’s updates are about making VR better together. Join the fold, and let’s have some fun.

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HTC Sense 7 0 Photo Editor

When you look at the HTC Sense 7.0 UI you might think its not very different from the HTC Sense 6.0. In fact - apart from a few very obvious features like Sense Home with Smart Folders - most changes are either under the hood or are a part of extended functionality of a particular system component. One of such new extended functionality is HTC Photo Editor, which doesnt come as a separate, standalone app, but as a part of the HTC Gallery app ( And it has some really nice features!

HTC Photo Editor replaced bundled camera effects and you can enter it either from the app drawer (Photo Editor) or from inside the camera app or gallery app by clicking the "EDITOR" button.

After opening the HTC Photo Editor for the first time you can see a sliding images with a short descriptions, giving you a basic idea about the main features. These are:
  • Shapes - Add colourful shapes to a photo
  • Photo Shapes - Add a shape filled with a photo to another photo
  • Prismatic - Add a kaleidoscopic effect to a photo
  • Double Exposure - Blend two photos together
  • Elements - Add animated effects to a photo

On the top left side youll find a sliding menu with a following options:
  • Home (Photo Editor main screen)
  • Recently Used (pictures from recently used albums)
  • Essentials (main effects such as Filters, Tools and Red Eye Removal)
  • Flair (Frames and Draw)
  • Effects (Shapes, Photo Shapes, Prismatic, Double Exposure, Elements and Face Fusion).


As listed above, one of the Essentials feature are Filters. However, Filters were available in previous HTC Sense version too. You can choose between following filters: Muiro, Noirin, Jardinia, Satura, Windmere, Losdales, Minneland, Islandia, Swellington, Foreston, Rosala and Custom, where you can set your own values such as White Balance, Levels, Exposure, Contrast, Brightness, Saturation, Sharpness, Grain and Vingette.

With Essentials Tools you can rotate, crop, flip and set the straighten of the image. Red Eye Removal is a typical tool to remove the red eyes effect.


In Flair mode you can choose between various frames and make some drawings on the picture using pen, pencil, highlighter and more. You can also change the colour and thickness of each tool.


This section is quite extensive, offering you pretty interesting features, and not all were available in the previous HTC Sense version.


Photo Shapes


Double Exposure


Face Fusion

Camera Menu UI

In the camera menu you can choose the content you use frequently. Defaults are "Selfie", "Camera" and "Panorama". You can also add "Photo Booth", "Zoe camera" and "Split Capture" - all already available in the previous HTC Sense 6.0.

If by any chance you havent yet read my previous HTC Sense 7.0 related articles heres a short reminder:
  • HTC Sense 7.0 - Wallpapers
  • HTC Sense 7.0 - Custom Navigation Bar
  • HTC Sense 7.0 - Themes Generator
  • HTC Sense 7.0 - Sense Home with Smart Folders

Do you have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) below this post!

For latest news follow Android Revolution HD on popular social platforms:

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Features in Lost Echo Apk:
  • Detailed and realistic graphics, rarely found on mobile devices.
  • A soundtrack written specifically for the game. Drawing from multiple genres so it creates the proper atmosphere for each area.
  • An engrossing mystery with a satisfying conclusion. Meet and interact numerous characters, find clues and slowly reveal the truth. But is the truth really enough?
  • Point and click is one of those genres where touch devices just make sense. We made sure we took advantage of that.
  • Two modes casual and normal, so you can play regardless of experience with the genre! And if you get stuck, you can always use the built-in hint system.
What’s New in Lost Echo Apk:
  • Small dialogue changes.
  • Slight adjustments to the dialogue sound (again!).
  • Improved audio latency.
  • Fixed chip minigame camera movement on old-school mode.
  • Shortened camera fadeout time on card minigame.

Requirements: 2.3.3 and up

More information as well as screenshots via Google Play

Download Link:

File Size: 19 MB

Free Download Lost Echo v1.7.17 Apk Full Version 2016 | Usercloud
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File Size: 277 MB

Free Download Lost Echo v1.7.17 Apk Full Version 2016 | Usercloud
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Friday, February 19, 2016

Hilton helps guests book the perfect room with Google Maps APIs

Posted by Virginia Suliman, Vice President of Digital Design and Development, Hilton Worldwide

(Cross-posted on the Google Geo Developers Blog.)

Editor’s note: Today’s guest blogger is Virginia Suliman, Vice President of Digital Design and Development, Hilton Worldwide. Read how Hilton is experimenting with Google APIs to take the guess work out of the hotel booking and room selection process. Hilton is just one of many customers sharing their story as part of our cross-country road trip, Code the Road.

No one likes surprises when they reserve hotel rooms, so it’s crucial for Hilton that people see exactly what they’ll be getting before they arrive. Currently, Hilton’s HHonors guests can use the HHonors website and app as a one-stop tool to control their on-property experience – from finding the best hotels in the right neighborhoods and booking the most suitable one, to soon, using the app as a room key.

With a spirit of constant innovation, we’re always looking for new ways to enhance the guest experience. One way we’re doing so is by experimenting with the Google Maps APIs through proof of concept iPhone app functionality we built to enhance the room selection process during digital check-in. The concept tests a the Street View panoramas, part of the Google Maps SDK for iOS, letting users see on the app the exact view they’ll experience when they get to their hotel room. For example, they could virtually look out their window on the app and select the room that overlooks a park or a quiet street corner.

People care not just about the hotel they stay in, but also about the neighborhood, including what kinds of food, entertainment and amenities are nearby. So in our concept, we also tested a controlled list of businesses and points of interest from the Google Maps Places API for IOS to highlight nearby destinations via the HHonors app, like Lincoln Center in New York City, a great fish restaurant in Boston, or the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta.

The full potential of Google APIs sets in when you combine them. If successful, the Maps and Street View panorama concepts could one day fully integrate into our HHonors app or global web portal, which already uses Google Maps Business View to offer panoramic virtual tours of our properties to guests.

We believe that happy travelers are repeat customers who become loyalists. If you feel connected to the experience you’ve had with us, you’re more likely to return and to tell others about it. Through technology, we’re hoping to make it easier for people to find the perfect room, have an unforgettable stay and come back for another adventure.

We were delighted to participate in the Code the Road trip. We hosted the Code the Road bus at our Hilton Chicago property on June 10 and at Hilton Headquarters in McLean, Virginia on June 22. You can also see the Hilton HHonors app window-view proof of concept demo on the bus.
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Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Google Fit Developer Challenge winners

Posted by Angana Ghosh, Product Manager, Google Fit

Last year, we teamed up with adidas, Polar, and Withings to invite developers to create amazing fitness apps that integrated the new Google Fit platform. The community of Google Fit developers has flourished since then and to help get them inspired, we even suggested a few ideas for new, fun, innovative fitness apps. Today, we’re announcing the twelve grand prize winners, whose apps will be promoted on Google Play.

  • 7MinGym: All you need is this app, a chair, and a wall to start benefiting from 7 minute workouts at home. You can play music from your favorite music app and cast your workout to Chromecast or Android TV.
  • Aqualert: This app reminds you to stay hydrated throughout the day and lets you track your water intake.
  • Cinch Weight Loss and Fitness: Cinch helps you with detailed information your steps taken and calories burned. The app also supports heart-rate tracking with compatible Android Wear devices.
  • FitHub: FitHub lets you track your fitness activity from multiple accounts, including Google Fit, and multiple wearable devices, including Android Wear. You can also add your friends to compare your progress!
  • FitSquad: FitSquad turns fitness into a competition. Join your friends in a squad to compare progress, track achievements, and cheer each other on.
  • Instant - Quantified Self: Instant is a lifestyle app that helps you track not only your physical activity but your digital activity too and tells you how much you’re using your phone and apps.other activity. You can also set usage limits and reminders.
  • Jump Rope Wear Counter: This simple app lets you count your jump rope skips with an Android Wear device.
  • Move it!: This app packs one neat feature – it reminds you to get up and move about if you haven’t been active in the last hour.
  • Openrider - GPS Cycling Riding: Track and map your cycle routes with Openrider.
  • Running Buddies: In this run tracking app, runners can choose to share their runs and stats with those around them so that they can find other runners similar to themselves to go running with.
  • Strength: Strength is a workout tracking app that also lets you choose from a number of routines, so you can get to your workout quickly and track it without manual data entry. Schedules and rest timers come included.
  • Walkholic: Walkholic is another way to see your Google Fit walking, cycling, and running data. You can also turn on notifications if you don’t meet your own preset goals.

We saw a wide range of apps that integrated Google Fit, and both the grand prize winners and the runner ups will be receiving some great devices from our challenge partners to help with their ongoing fitness app development: the X_CELL and SPEED_CELL from adidas, a new Android Wear device, a Loop activity tracker with a H7 heart rate sensor from Polar, and a Smart Body Analyzer from Withings.

We’re thrilled these developers chose to integrate the Google Fit platform into their apps, giving users one place to keep all their fitness activities. With the user’s permission, any developer can store or read the user’s data from Google Fit and use it to build powerful and useful fitness experiences. Find out more about integrating Google Fit into your app.

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HTC One M8 My point of re view

HTC One M8; the newest HTC high-end device! You have probably read plenty of reviews around the internet. Is there anything else that can be discovered or described? Depending on the point of view some aspects can be more or less important. I will try to point out some of the major differences between the HTC One M7 and the HTC One M8 together with describing some of the features I find to be advantages or disadvantages.

Look and feel
That is the part I don’t really want to focus on too much. Not because I don’t find the newest design bad or anything – on the contrary – I just see no reason to use any other word apart from “perfection”.

The screen size and overall dimensions of the device, in my opinion are optimal. I have no difficulties using the device with just one hand. However, if you want to type fast using the stock keyboard, using both thumbs might be better, especially for typing accuracy. The 5-inch display is made using SLCD3 technology, the same we’ve seen in the HTC One (M7). The pixel density is a little bit lower – 441ppi (M8) vs 468ppi (M7) but comparing the devices side by side you won’t say that M8’s display is not as good – it is actually better. Colours are deeper and the screen brightness is higher too on the HTC One M8. But what is more important, is that the screen sensitivity is way better too. According to GSM Arena, “46ms is all it takes for the One M8 to recognize your touch input; the first phone to go under 50ms”. That is quite an impressive result and something I have always wanted to see in Android smartphones. And these are not just purely academic calculations – I actually felt the difference the first time I used the HTC One M8.

Frankly, until the HTC One M8 came out, my favourite HTC phone when it comes to the design was the HTC One X. Of course I was impressed with the HTC One M7 design line, but for me it was sort of too square. Maybe I didnt even realize it by then, but now it is obvious to me – HTC One M8 with its more rounded corners was a perfect move from HTC. It just feels great in the hand and it hurts me badly when I have to place my device into any kind of case. This phone is not meant to be placed in any plastic or rubber case. It is like asking Adriana Lima to wear a mask. Seriously.

So we have a bigger and a brighter screen with great sensitivity. The shape of the phone is ideal. What else could be improved in that area? Two things. Firstly, the screen is covered with the newest Gorilla Glass 3 technology. That is another step forward from its older brother, HTC One M7, which has Gorilla Glass 2. The other, and more important thing can sound a little bit prosaic. It is the power button. In the HTC One M7 it was placed on the top left-hand side of the metal uni-body. In the HTC One M8 it is placed on the opposite side. Such a cosmetic change, but for me, personally, it is much easier to access when holding the device in just one hand. As a side note, for power-users it is also a benefit. Entering the bootloader (vol down + power) is now easier when volume buttons and power button are almost next to each other.

Concluding this chapter I can honestly say that HTC One M8 is simply elegant. I used to love the design of the Sony Xperia Z1 but that was in the HTC One M7 times. Now that impression is gone and I truly think that HTC One M8 is the best looking phone on the market.

Design summary:
  • 5-inch Full HD 1080p SLCD3 @ 441PPI
  • Improved screen sensitivity (vs HTC One M7)
  • Gorilla Glass 3 (vs Gorilla Glass 2 on HTC One M7)
  • Thin, metal and solid construction
  • Zero-gaps uni-body design
  • Improved buttons location
  • Elegant style with perfectly rounded corners


Ever since the HTC One M8 came out Ive heard some arguments, that this device is not a revolution, more like an evolution and it is not worth upgrading from the HTC One M7. As much as I need to agree that HTC One M8 is an evolution, I can’t agree with the statement that it is not worth upgrading from its older brother. Of course – this is not a revolution. It could be, if not for the HTC One M7. A jump from HTC One X to HTC One M8 would be a true revolution, but also not from the global market stand point – more like inside the portfolio of the HTC as a company.

It’s not a mystery that hardware-wise there is nothing spectacular in the HTC One M8. All the hardware components are the best currently available of course, but also used by other phones manufacturers. So what makes the HTC One M8 so special? The fact that the best hardware is packed inside the most beautiful body. But we’ve been there already, so let’s take a look at the hardware details and let me prove to you that the HTC One M8 is worth upgrading to from the HTC One M7.

The heart of the HTC One M8 is the Qualcomm Snapdragon S801 SoC. Some may say it’s just a minor upgrade from the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 SoC, but it’s definitely a big upgrade from the S600 in the HTC One M7.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 SoC | Picture source:
Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 SoC | Picture source:
Snapdragon 801 uses TSMCs 28nm “HPm” (Krait 400) technology which is the highest standard available among TSMC 28nm variants, while HTC One M7 is known to be based on 28nm “LP” (Krait 300) technology. 28HPm can provide better speed and performance than 28LP. This also allows higher CPU frequency speeds (up to 2.5 GHz per core on the S801 SoC).

Picture source:
Next major improvement between the M7 and the M8 is related to the RAM memory. Both S600 and S801 support LPDDR3, but back in 2013 HTC decided to use LPDDR2 memory in the HTC One M7. The LPDDR3 RAM in the HTC One M8 offers higher data rate, greater bandwidth, better power efficiency, and higher memory density. LPDDR3 achieves a data rate of 1600 MT/s and utilizes key new technologies: write-leveling and command/address training, optional on-die termination (ODT), and low-I/O capacitance. LPDDR3 supports both package-on-package (PoP) and discrete packaging types. Generally speaking, RAM memory management on the HTC One M8 is much better, even though both M7 and M8 are equipped with the same amount (2GB) of RAM.

It’s also worth mentioning that the S801 SoC is available in two variants: 8974-AB (up to 2.26 GHz) and 8974-AC (up to 2.5 GHz). The first one is available world-wide, except for the Chinese market, where you can buy the AC version.

Another big difference between the M7 and the M8 is the Adreno GPU. The Adreno 330 available in the HTC One M8 has a few improvements over the older Adreno 320 (HTC One M7): arithmetic logic unit (ALU) – 24 in the M7 vs 32 in the M8; higher clock speed – 400 MHz in the M7 vs 578 MHz in the M8 and the pixel fillrate 3.2 GP/s in the M7 vs 3.6 GP/s in the M8. With an Adreno 330 GPU it’s hardly possible to find any game that will not run smoothly. And this surely won’t change any time soon.

Speaking of games there is one very important aspect of having an aluminium phone body. Heat dissipation on the HTC One M8 is really fantastic. This is noticeable because the HTC One M8 is possibly the only S801 device where the GPU doesnt throttle while gaming. A proper thermal system (which includes software solutions) is as important as GPU power. Without efficient heat dissipation you would never be able to use the full capabilities of the GPU or CPU.

Together with CPU, RAM and GPU improvements there are changes related to the connectivity as well (4G LTE category 3 on the M7 vs 4G LTE Advanced category 4 on the M8).

Picture source:
Finally, one question comes to mind: Snapdragon 801 added support for eMMC 5.0 (embedded Multi-Media Controller) storage technology but HTC decided to use older, eMMC 4.51 technology. Bummer! But there is a good news about the storage memory too! HTC gathered feedback and listened to the users – microSD card support is back. HTC (alongside Google) tried to change market habits, but lost this little battle. The lack of microSD card support was a deal-breaker for many users, who chose Samsung devices instead. Adding back external card support was a perfect step from HTC and apparently it didnt have any negative impact on the design. HTC kept its zero-gaps uni-body design. Perfect.

Picture source:
Hardware summary:
  • Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 (vs Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 on HTC One M7)
  • 4 x Krait 400 @ 2.26 GHz (vs4 x Krait 300 @ 1.7 GHz on HTC One M7)
  • LPDDR3 RAM @ 933 MHz (vs LPDDR2 RAM @ 600 MHz on HTC One M7)
  • Adreno 330 GPU @ 578 MHz (vs Adreno 320 GPU @ 400 MHz on HTC One M7)
  • LTE category 4 (vs LTE category 3 on HTC One M7)
  • Both M8 and M7 support NFC, IR, MHL and GPS + Glonass
  • microSD card support (vs no microSD card support on HTC One M7)
  • Increased battery capacity: 2,600 mAh (vs 2,300 mAh on HTC One M7)
  • DSP: Hexagon V50 up to 800 MHz (vs V40 up to 600 MHz on HTC One M7)
  • Qualcomm® Quick Charge™ 2.0 technology (vs 1.0 on HTC One M7)


UltraPixel is already very well-known and appreciated technology by end-users. Our camera specialist Stonelaughter has already written a few bits about what he thinks of Pixels and Pixellation and Cameras in Phones. In the HTC One M8 HTC decided to continue following that road and they improved the UltraPixel technology even more. The HTC One M8 is equipped with 2.0 um, sensor size 1/3”, ƒ/2.0, 28mm lens together with HTC ImageChip 2. It also has a secondary rear camera responsible for capturing depth information. How does this work? Once you take a picture you can add multiple effects including UFocus (re-focusing), Foregrounder(Sketch, Zoom Blur, Cartoon and Colorize), Seasons(background effects), and Dimension Plus (the picture gets the “3D” effect). Honestly saying I’ve never seen such a variety of options to edit a picture after capture in any other smartphone.

Of course nothing can replace a true DSLR camera, but let’s be honest here – you can’t hide a DSLR in your pocket. Also, hardware is not everything. HTC did an amazing job when it comes to the camera software too. Playing with all these camera features is real fun and the effects are great!

Camera summary:

  • HTC ImageChip 2 (vs HTC ImageChip 1 on HTC One M7)
  • Secondary read camera responsible for capturing depth information
  • DSLR functionality like artistic depth-of-field in photos and other effects
  • BSI, 2.0 um pixel size, 1/3” sensor size, f/2.0, 28mm lens


HTC One M8 uses the HTC Sense 6.0 interface. I don’t want to focus much on the UI itself because we’ll probably see HTC Sense 6.5 this year. The HTC One M7 is already updated to HTC Sense 6.0 too, but keep in mind that at some point the M7 will stop receiving updates, while HTC One M8 will still get a few more.

Of course the new UI is completely refreshed with new icons, animations and minor features, but there are 2 features worth mentioning that I really like: the ability to change themes, and “Extreme power saving mode”.
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